Contact Us FREEPHONE NZ: 0800 268 386INTL PHONE: +647 866 3910EMAIL: TOUR TIMESSummer: 9am, 10am, 11am, 2pm, 3pmWinter: 10am, 11am, 2pm & 3pmPRICESAdults $125Children $75 (age 3-15yrs)(Children under 3 no charge)Family $360 (2 adults/2 children)Family $425 (2 adults/3 children)Payment OptionsBook online with Visa or Mastercard BOOK THE TOUR DEPARTSfrom the South End of Hahei Beach via the beach access at the end of Wigmore Crescent: Hahei Explorer Departure MapCHECK IN TIME on the beach is 20 minutes before your departure.TRIP TIMES / ITINERARIESmay change due to weather conditions, to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers.SPECIALTY TOURSAvailable – price on application.GIFTVOUCHERSCovid-19 Policy All trips depart from south end of Hahei Beach. Beach access at end of Wigmore Cresc. Click here for GOOGLE MAP 1 of 1« PreviousNext » ENQUIRIES Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *PhoneYour enquiryPreferred way to be contactedby phoneby emailSubmit